Friday, December 31, 2010

Kommentarer på Baby Bubadoo

Tja, en produkt som ska hindra bebisen från att fäkta med armarna vid blöjbyte.

"Really? Really? A straight jacket for babies because they inconvience us during diaper changes with their wiggles? What next? Breastmilk flavored duct tape to keep them quiet because they disturb our sleep with their crying?"

"Who in the world wants a baby straitjacket?"


"How did my mother ever survive without all this stuff to cart around? An ice pack shaped like a bee, a shield to prevent getting peed on, and now baby straight jackets.

Where do people have room to store all that junk?"

"I have never laughed out loud over a baby product before. WOW! This one takes the cake."

"Well, you could always use it to give your cat a pill."

Courtesy of celebritybabies

Haha, ja herregud vad tragiskt egentligen.


helenesskolsida said...

Men snälla ... vem köper sånt? Vilken fruktansvärt dum och onödig produkt.

Helena said...

SJUKT! Lika sjukt som babyparfymen som skrev om.